
Friday, May 24, 2013

Important Scripts to find out Replication details.

Script to run on Distribution database

This script returns completed setup replication information. Unless an orphan article exists, this will return a complete set of replication information. I also added the distribution agent job name to show how easy it is to pull in other configuration information.

USE Distribution
-- Get the publication name based on article
srv.srvname publication_server
, a.publisher_db
, p.publication publication_name
, a.article
, a.destination_object
, ss.srvname subscription_server
, s.subscriber_db
, AS distribution_agent_job_name
FROM MSArticles a
JOIN MSpublications p ON a.publication_id = p.publication_id
JOIN MSsubscriptions s ON p.publication_id = s.publication_id
JOIN master..sysservers ss ON s.subscriber_id = ss.srvid
JOIN master..sysservers srv ON srv.srvid = p.publisher_id
JOIN MSdistribution_agents da ON da.publisher_id = p.publisher_id
AND da.subscriber_id = s.subscriber_id
ORDER BY 1,2,3

Script to run on Publisher database

This script returns what publications has been setup. This will go through all the published databases and return information if the database has replication enabled. Sometimes, I just want to see the publication name and subscriber server names (no articles) to see what servers are being used with replication other times I want all of the information, so I added a variable called @Detail and if you set @Detail = 'Y' it will return data with the article list. Any other value will only return the publisherDB, publisherName and SubscriberServerName.
-- Run from Publisher Database
-- Get information for all databases

SET @Detail = 'Y'
CREATE TABLE #tmp_replcationInfo (
PublisherDB VARCHAR(128),
PublisherName VARCHAR(128),
TableName VARCHAR(128),
SubscriberServerName VARCHAR(128),
EXEC sp_msforeachdb
'use ?;
IF DATABASEPROPERTYEX ( db_name() , ''IsPublished'' ) = 1
insert into #tmp_replcationInfo
db_name() PublisherDB
, as PublisherName
, as TableName
, UPPER(srv.srvname) as SubscriberServerName
from dbo.syspublications sp
join dbo.sysarticles sa on sp.pubid = sa.pubid
join dbo.syssubscriptions s on sa.artid = s.artid
join master.dbo.sysservers srv on s.srvid = srv.srvid
IF @Detail = 'Y'
   SELECT * FROM #tmp_replcationInfo
FROM #tmp_replcationInfo
DROP TABLE #tmp_replcationInfo

Script to run on Subscriber database

This script returns what article(s) is/are being replicated to the subscriber database. I also use this to find orphaned subscribers. This is rather simple since there is not much information to pull.

-- Run from Subscriber Database

SELECT distinct publisher, publisher_db, publication
FROM dbo.MSreplication_subscriptions
ORDER BY 1,2,3

The following scripts will provide the name of the database on which merge replication is setup

select namefromsys.databaseswhereis_merge_published= 1

Drop article from Existing Publication (Transactional Replication)

EXEC sp_dropsubscription
@publication = 'Publication name',
@article = N'Table Name',
@subscriber = 'Subscriber Server Name';

 EXEC sp_droparticle
 @publication = 'Publication name',
 @article = N'Table Name',
 @force_invalidate_snapshot = 0

Adding new article to Existing Publication (Transactional Replication)

Adding new article to Existing Publication (Transactional Replication)

First of all run the Exec sp_helppublication in publication database and checked the following fields

1. Immediate_sync
2. Allow_anonymous

Both the fields were set to ON as they showed a value 1 which is enabled. If the Immediate_sync is enabled, every time you add a new article it will cause the entire snapshot to be applied and not the one for the particular article alone. Usually, the Immediate_sync publication property is set to true if we allowed anonymous subscriptions while creating the publication through the Create Publication wizard. To prevent the complete snapshot, run the script below.

Step 1:- Disable the two fields in publication database
EXEC sp_changepublication
@publication = ‘Publication name’,
@property = N'allow_anonymous',
@value = 'false'

EXEC sp_changepublication
@publication = Publication name’,
@property = N'immediate_sync',
@value = 'false'

Step 2:- Add new article in publication database
    exec sp_addarticle
    @publication = N'Publication name’,
    @article = N'Table Name',
    @source_object = N'Table Name',
        @destination_table = N'Table Name'

exec sp_addsubscription
          @publication = N'Publication name’,
          @subscriber = N'Subscriber Server Name',
          @destination_db = N'Destination Database Name',
          @subscription_type = N'Subcription Type' [Pull\Push]

Step 3:- Now start the snapshot agent in publisher, it worked perfectly. You can see that only the particular table added was replicated. So from now on to apply the snapshots of the entire articles you need to reinitialize the subscriptions since the Immediate_sync is set to off.

Friday, May 10, 2013

IBM’s entrant in the SQL-on-Hadoop

IBM’s entrant in the SQL-on-Hadoop competition has been flying under the radar, but is available as a technology preview. Called Big SQL, it’s a big deal if IBM wants to be a major player in the Hadoop space.

IBM has a SQL-on-Hadoop product in the works called Big SQL. The company announced the technology preview version in March, and is offering up a cloud-based demo environment for a select group of early users.

As a refresher, the big difference between SQL on Hadoop and the Hadoop connectors that were popular a couple years ago is that SQL-on-Hadoop products query the data where it resides — in HDFS or HBase — rather than pulling it into a relational database environment to analyze it. We have been talking for months about the emergence of a large SQL-on-Hadoop market, but IBM’s name was conspicuously absent from that discussion. The company has Hadoop software called BigInsights and lots of SQL expertise, so it only made sense that IBM would get into the game at some point.

Details on Big SQL are still pretty sparse save for a few high-level blog posts and an instructional video (embedded below), but it looks to take the standard approach, as Cloudera is doing with Impala, of enabling access through traditional tools via JDBC and ODBC drivers.

Ultimately, I think the advent of big data will enable some new types of querying techniques quite a bit different than the SQL queries we’ve come to know and love over the past couple decades. But SQL is still the language du jour and might never go away, so there’s a lot of value to be had if people can put their SQL skills to work on data stored inside Hadoop or other environments, and if companies can work toward a nirvana where all the data is stored in a single place rather than across database environments.

That IBM got this message and got into the game isn’t surprising at all, but it is important. Lots of large companies buy IBM’s software.  If it wants them to follow it into the world of big data and Hadoop, it has to give them the tools they need to use it.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

NuoDB Starlings Release 1.1

Today NuoDB announced the immediate availability of the NuoDB Starlings Release 1.1.  The new release features .NET & Windows 64-bit support helping developers who wish to avoid the common scalability and performance issues associated with traditional databases.  And that’s not all.  We’ve addressed three areas of customer need.

The new release delivers user benefit in 3 key areas:
Microsoft 64-bit and .NET support
Substantial performance and productivity enhancements
User experience improvements.

What’s New in 1.1

Microsoft Enhancements
64 bit support for Windows Server, Windows 7 and 8 for high performance

Full support for Visual Studio 2012, LINQ and Entity Framework for a more integrated developer experience

.NET driver to avoid the common scalability and performance issues associated with Microsoft SQL Server

Azure compatibility for running/deploying NuoDB easily in the cloud.

Productivity & Performance Improvements

33% increase in scale-out performance

20-50% improvement for heavy workloads

Built-in schema browsing and querying for Integrated SQL development
Database demand simulation tools, including a sample eCommerce schema and configurable load scenarios for improved provisioning of both predictable and unpredictable web traffic.

Improved User Experience

New NuoDB DevCenter– a central, easy to use location for all NuoDB developer resources, now integrated with the NuoDB Console for faster access

 SQL Explorer fully integrated into the NuoDB Console for dropping and creating web tables without ever leaving the browser.


Find All Databases name with Size

ROUND(SUM(mf.size) * 8 / 1024, 0) Size_MBs
FROM sys.master_files mf
INNER JOIN sys.databases d ON d.database_id = mf.database_id
WHERE d.database_id > 4 -- Skip system databases

Friday, May 3, 2013

How Many Tables in a Database Having Column Name like ‘Name’.

USE AdventureWorks2008R2

SELECT AS table_name,
SCHEMA_NAME(schema_id) AS schema_name, AS column_name
FROM sys.tables AS t
WHERE LIKE '%name%'
ORDER BY schema_name, table_name;

Select columns with NULL values only

declare @col varchar(255), @cmd varchar(max)
DECLARE getinfo cursor for
SELECT FROM sys.tables t JOIN sys.columns c ON t.Object_ID = c.Object_ID
WHERE t.Name = 'TABLE_1'
OPEN getinfo
FETCH NEXT FROM getinfo into @col
    SELECT @cmd = 'IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT top 1 * FROM TABLE_1 WHERE [' + @col + '] IS NOT NULL) BEGIN print ''' + @col + ''' end'
    FETCH NEXT FROM getinfo into @col
CLOSE getinfo

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Memory - Performance Counters

SQL Server provides numerous counters for monitoring and evaluating performance of your system. Although there are no hard and fast rules for performance monitoring, you should audit your system periodically to ensure that it lives up to user expectations. The first step in performance monitoring efforts should be collecting baseline information. A baseline has a collection of performance counter values while the system isn't heavily utilized and performs well. Next you should take benchmarks at various times of day and during different days of week to figure out acceptable ranges for the performance counters you intend to monitor. For example, your tests could reveal that buffer cache hit ratio values between 93.5% and higher are acceptable, but any value below 93.5% indicates sub-optimal performance.

Then setup continuous monitoring and define alerts which notify you if any performance counter values fall below (or rise above) a predefined threshold. Although we try to provide some guidelines for performance counter values adequate range for each counter will vary from one environment to next; this is why it's important to create a baseline and determine acceptable values for each counter.

You should watch several memory related counters very closely as they present a clear indication of acceptable or sub-optimal performance. Memory bottleneck typically leads to excessive paging. You can reduce or eliminate memory related performance issues by:

  1. Adding memory to the server computer.
  2. Altering SQL Server and operating system configuration.
  3. Eliminating unnecessary processes on the database server.
  4. Directing some user activity from the current server to another server.

A large majority of these memory performance counters are available through Memory Manager, Plan Cache and Buffer Manager objects.

SQL Server Buffer Manager provides the following counters:

AWE lookup maps / sec

Shows the number of times per second data pages requested by SQL Server were found in the buffer pool and then mapped as AWE memory and made part of server's virtual address space.

AWE stolen maps / sec

Shows the number of times data pages were taken from the free list in buffer pool and mapped as AWE memory.

AWE unmap calls / sec

When a buffer is unmapped it is excluded from virtual address space; buffers are unmapped because they haven't been used and to make room for new buffers. This counter shows the number of times buffers were un-mapped per second.

AWE unmap pages / sec

Shows the number of data pages unmapped per second.

AWE write maps / sec

Shows the number of times per second that it is necessary to map in a dirty buffer so it can be written to disk. This means that no free buffers are available so SQL Server has to write to a "dirty" buffer, meaning a buffer that contains data changes. If the value is high, then the server could use additional memory.

Note: AWE related counters are only available if AWE enabled option is turned on.

Buffer cache hit ratio

Percentage of pages that were found in the buffer pool without having to incur a read from disk. The ratio is calculated as total number of cache hits divided by the total number of cache lookups over the last few thousand page accesses. Since reading from the cache is much less expensive than reading from disk, servers that have a high buffer cache hit ratio perform well. For optimal performance this ratio should remain above 99%. However, in most environments a number above 95% is acceptable. If you use AWE enabled option you should never see this counter drop below 99% unless the total amount of RAM is not sufficient for your application's load.

Checkpoint pages per second

Shows how many pages are flushed per second by the CHECKPOINT process. If this value is too high, then you might want to increase the recovery interval or dedicate more RAM to SQL Server. By increasing the value of recovery interval, you advise SQL Server to checkpoint the databases less frequently thereby reserving more resources for user applications. The flip side of the coin, however, is that databases will take longer to recover in case of server failure (recovery process entails rolling back failed transactions and rolling forward the successful transactions).

Database pages

Number of pages in the buffer pool with database content. The higher the value of this counter, the more queries are sent to your server. If the number keeps increasing considerably above your baseline, consider allowing more memory for SQL Server usage by modifying the value of "max server memory" setting.

Free list stalls / sec

Number of times a request for a "free" page had to wait for one to become available. High value indicates that the server could use additional memory.

Lazy writes / sec

How many times per second lazy writer has to flush dirty pages out of the buffer cache instead of waiting on a checkpoint. Typically dirty pages are flushed out of cache by the checkpoint process. If the value of this counter is higher than 20, then server could use additional RAM.

Look at Lazy Writes/sec which tells you that number of times the buffer pool flushed dirty pages to disk outside of the CHECKPOINT process.  This should be near zero.

Page life expectancy

Shows on average how long each data page is staying in buffer cache before being flushed out to make room for other pages. If value is less than 300 seconds than additional memory could be helpful.

Page lookups / sec

Number of requests per second to find the page in the buffer pool.

Page reads / sec

Shows the number of data pages read per second.

Page writes / sec

Shows the number of data pages written per second.

Readahead pages / sec

Shows the number of data pages read per second in anticipation of their use.

Procedure cache pages

Number of pages used to store compiled queries; indicates the total number of stored procedures in cache.

Reserved pages

Shows the number of buffer pool reserved pages.

Stolen pages

Number of pages acquired from buffer cache and used for miscellaneous server purposes (including procedure cache).

Target pages

Shows the ideal number of pages in buffer pool.

Total pages

Total number of pages in buffer pool (including data pages, free and stolen pages).

Another group of important memory related counters are exposed through Cache Manager object in SQL Server 2000 and Plan Cache object with SQL Server 2005. These objects allow you to monitor the memory usage for storing ad-hoc Transact-SQL statements, stored procedures and triggers.

Cache Hit Ratio

Ratio between cache hits and lookups. The value of this counter should never fall below 90%.

Cache Object Counts

Shows the number of objects in cache.

Cache Pages

Number of 8KB pages in cache.

Cache Objects in use

Shows the number of objects in cache that are currently being used.

Each counter has the following instances:

  1. _total - information on all types of instances.
  2. SQL Plans - query plans for ad-hoc Transact-SQL statements, or Transact-SQL statements prepared using sp_prepare or sp_cursorprepare system procedures. The execution plans are cached for reuse by identical statements executed at a later time. With SQL Server 2000 this instance is called "ad hoc SQL Plans".
  3. Object Plans - query plans for stored procedures, user-defined functions and triggers. With SQL Server 2000 this instance is further broken down into procedure plans, replication procedure plans and trigger plans.
  4. Bound Trees - normalized trees for views, rules, computed columns and check constraints. With SQL Server 2000 this instance is called "misc. Normalized Trees".
  5. Extended stored procedures - if you use extended procedures this instance will show the number of these objects referenced in cache.
  6. Temporary tables & table variables - information for temp tables and table variables referenced in cache.

SQL Server Memory Manager object exposes the following counters:

Connection Memory

Total amount of dynamic memory the server is using for maintaining connections

Granted Workspace Memory

Total amount of memory currently granted to executing processes such as hash, sort, bulk copy, and index creation operations.

Lock Blocks

A lock block is a single locked object - a table, row, page, etc. This counter shows the total number of currently used lock blocks.

Lock Blocks Allocated

Current number of allocated lock blocks. By default SQL Server allocates locks dynamically as needed. However, you can override the default behavior by modifying locks configuration parameter.

Memory Grants Outstanding

Number of processes that have successfully acquired workspace memory grant. High value of this counter indicates peak user activity.

Memory Grants Pending

Number of processes waiting on a workspace memory grant. If this counter has a high value SQL Server could benefit from additional memory. You should first examine the database design, queries and indexes however to ensure the system is properly tuned before purchasing additional RAM.

Optimizer Memory

Memory reserved for query optimization. Ideally, the value of this counter should remain relatively static. If this isn't the case you might be using dynamic SQL execution excessively.

SQL Cache Memory

Total memory reserved for dynamic SQL statements.

Target Server Memory

Total amount of memory in KB that the server can consume.

Total Server Memory

The amount of committed memory in KB from the buffer pool. If this counter has a high values, as compared to the total amount of RAM available on server then SQL Server can benefit from additional memory.

The Target Server Memory counter shows SQL Server estimate of how much RAM it would need to operate effectively. The total memory counter shows what is actually used. The goal is to keep total memory less than target memory. If over time total memory number is higher than target your server could benefit from additional RAM.

In addition to examining SQL Server specific counters related to memory, you should also inspect the value of the following operating system level counters:

Total Server Memory (KB) counter  < Target Server Memory (KB) counter=That means  SQL Server has enough memory to run efficiently

Total Server Memory (KB) counter is >= Target Server Memory (KB) counter = This indicates that SQL Server may be under memory pressure and could use access to more physical memory.

Page faults / sec

Shows the average number of pages faulted per second. This counter includes both hard faults (those that require disk access) and soft faults (where the faulted page is found elsewhere in physical memory.) Most processors can handle large numbers of soft faults without significant consequence. However, hard faults, which require disk access, can cause significant delays. You need to ensure this value stays as low as possible.

Pages / sec

Shows the rate at which pages are read from or written to disk to resolve hard page faults. This counter is a primary indicator of the kinds of faults that cause system-wide delays. Although some spikes are normal the value of this counter should remain close to zero.

Look at Free Pages/sec and Free List Stalls/sec.  You don't want to see Free Pages bottom out which will result in a Free List Stall while the buffer pool has to free pages for usage.

Available Bytes

The amount of physical memory, in bytes, immediately available for allocation to a process or for system use. Your system should maintain at least 50MB of available memory. If the value falls below this threshold then the server is short on memory or the application (SQL Server) isn't releasing the memory back to the operating system as it should.

Process: Working Set

Shows the current size of the Working Set of the process in bytes. The Working Set is the set of memory pages touched recently by the threads in the SQL Server process. If the value of this counter is consistently below the amount configured by min server memory option then SQL Server is configured to have more memory than it really needs.