
Friday, October 14, 2011

Useful SQL Server DBCC Commands

DBCC CHECKFILEGROUP - Checks all tables file group for any damage.

DBCC CHECKALLOC - To check that all pages in a db are correctly allocated.

DBCC SQLPERF - It gives report on current usage of transaction log in percentage.


This option (documented) returns data about the transaction log for all of the databases on the SQL Server, including Database Name, Log Size (MB), Log Space Used (%), and Status.


This option (undocumented) returns data about SQL Server thread management.


This option (undocumented) returns data about wait types for SQL Server resources.


This option (undocumented) returns data about outstanding SQL Server reads and writes.


This option (undocumented) returns data about SQL Server read-ahead activity.


This option (undocumented) returns data about I/O, CPU, and memory usage per SQL Server thread. [7.0, 2000]

DBCC CACHESTATS displays information about the objects currently in the buffer cache, such as hit rates, compiled objects and plans, etc.

DBCC DROPCLEANBUFFERS: Use this command to remove all the data from SQL Server’s data cache (buffer) between performance tests to ensure fair testing. You may first want to run the CHECKPOINT command first. Running CHECKPOINT will write all dirty buffers to disk.

DBCC FLUSHPROCINDB: Used to clear out the stored procedure cache for a specific database on a SQL Server, not the entire SQL Server.


DBCC INDEXDEFRAG: In SQL Server 2000, Microsoft introduced DBCC INDEXDEFRAG to help reduce logical disk fragmentation.

DBCC INDEXDEFRAG (Database_Name, Table_Name, Index_Name)

DBCC MEMORYSTATUS: Lists a breakdown of how the SQL Server buffer cache is divided up, including buffer activity.


DBCC OPENTRAN: This command is used to identify the oldest open transaction in a specific database.

DBCC OPENTRAN(‘database_name’)

DBCC PAGE: Use this command to look at contents of a data page stored in SQL Server.

DBCC PAGE ({dbid
dbname}, pagenum [,print option] [,cache] [,logical])

DBCC PINTABLE & DBCC UNPINTABLE: By default, SQL Server automatically brings into its data cache the pages it needs to work with. These data pages will stay in the data cache until there is no room for them, and assuming they are not needed, these pages will be flushed out of the data cache onto disk. At some point in the future when SQL Server needs these data pages again, it will have to go to disk in order to read them again into the data cache for use. If SQL Server somehow had the ability to keep the data pages in the data cache all the time, then SQL Server’s performance would be increased because I/O could be reduced on the server.

DECLARE @db_id int, @tbl_id int

USE Northwind

SET @db_id = DB_ID(‘Northwind’)

SET @tbl_id = OBJECT_ID(‘Northwind..categories’)

DBCC PINTABLE (@db_id, @tbl_id)

DECLARE @db_id int, @tbl_id int

USE Northwind

SET @db_id = DB_ID(‘Northwind’)

SET @tbl_id = OBJECT_ID(‘Northwind..categories’)

DBCC UNPINTABLE (@db_id, @tbl_id)

DBCC SHOWCONTIG: Used to show how fragmented data and indexes are in a specified table


DBCC PROCCACHE: Displays information about how the stored procedure cache is being used.


DBCC REINDEX: Periodically (weekly or monthly) perform a database reorganization on all the indexes on all the tables in your database.

DBCC DBREINDEX(‘table_name’, fillfactor)

DBCC SHOW_STATISTICS: Used to find out the selectivity of an index. Generally speaking, the higher the selectivity of an index, the greater the likelihood it will be used by the query optimizer. You have to specify both the table name and the index name you want to find the statistics on.

DBCC SHOW_STATISTICS (table_name, index_name)

DBCC SQLMGRSTATS: Used to produce three different values that can sometimes be useful when you want to find out how well caching is being performed on ad-hoc and prepared Transact-SQL statements.


Item Status

————————- ———–

Memory Used (8k Pages) 5446

Number CSql Objects 29098

Number False Hits 425490

Here’s what the above means:

• Memory Used (8k Pages): If the amount of memory pages is very large, this may be an indication that some user connection is preparing many Transact-SQL statements, but it not un-preparing them.

• Number CSql Objects: Measures the total number of cached Transact-SQL statements.

• Number False Hits: Sometimes, false hits occur when SQL Server goes to match pre-existing cached Transact-SQL statements. Ideally, this figure should be as low as possible.

DBCC SQLPERF (UMSSTATS): When you run this command, you get output like this. (Note, this example was run on a 4 CPU server. There is 1 Scheduler ID per available CPU.)

Statistic Value

——————————– ————————

Scheduler ID 0.0

num users 18.0

num runnable 0.0

num workers 13.0

idle workers 11.0

work queued 0.0

cntxt switches 2.2994396E+7

cntxt switches(idle) 1.7793976E+7

Scheduler ID 1.0

num users 15.0

num runnable 0.0

num workers 13.0

idle workers 10.0

work queued 0.0

cntxt switches 2.4836728E+7

cntxt switches(idle) 1.6275707E+7

Scheduler ID 2.0

num users 17.0

num runnable 0.0

num workers 12.0

idle workers 11.0

work queued 0.0

cntxt switches 1.1331447E+7

cntxt switches(idle) 1.6273097E+7

Scheduler ID 3.0

num users 16.0

num runnable 0.0

num workers 12.0

idle workers 11.0

work queued 0.0

cntxt switches 1.1110251E+7

cntxt switches(idle) 1.624729E+7

Scheduler Switches 0.0

Total Work 3.1632352E+7

Below is an explanation of some of the key statistics above:

• num users: This is the number of SQL Server threads currently in the scheduler.

• num runnable: This is the number of actual SQL Server threads that are runnable.

• num workers: This is the actual number of worker there are to process threads. This is the size of the thread pool.

• idle workers: The number of workers that are currently idle.

• cntxt switches: The number of context switches between runnable threads.

• cntxt switches (idle): The number of context switches to the idle thread.

• DBCC UPDATEUSAGE: The official use for this command is to report and correct inaccuracies in the sysindexes table, which may result in incorrect space usage reports. Apparently, it can also fix the problem of unreclaimed data pages in SQL Server. You may want to consider running this command periodically to clean up potential problems. This command can take some time to run, and you want to run it during off times because it will negatively affect SQL Server’s performance when running. When you run this command, you must specify the name of the database that you want affected.

• DBCC UPDATEUSAGE (‘databasename’)

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