
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Optimization Tips

Database Scheme Optimization Tips
  • Devote the appropriate resources to schema design.
  • Separate online analytical processing (OLAP) and online transaction processing (OLTP) workloads.
  • Normalize first, denormalize later for performance.
  • Define all primary keys and foreign key relationships.
  • Define all unique constraints and check constraints.
  • Choose the most appropriate data type.
  • Use indexed views for denormalization.
  • Partition tables vertically and horizontally.
Database Queries Optimization Tips
  • Know the performance and scalability characteristics of queries.
  • Write correctly formed queries.
  • Return only the rows and columns needed.
  • Avoid expensive operators such as NOT LIKE.
  • Avoid explicit or implicit functions in WHERE clauses.
  • Use locking and isolation level hints to minimize locking.
  • Use stored procedures or parameterized queries.
  • Minimize cursor use.
  • Avoid long actions in triggers.
  • Use temporary tables and table variables appropriately.
  • Limit query and index hint use.
  • Fully qualify database objects.
Tips to Optimize Indexes
  • Create indexes based on use.
  • Keep clustered index keys as small as possible.
  • Consider range data for clustered indexes.
  • Create an index on all foreign keys.
  • Create highly selective indexes.
  • Create a covering index for often-used, high-impact queries.
  • Use multiple narrow indexes rather than a few wide indexes.
  • Create composite indexes with the most restrictive column first.
  • Consider indexes on columns used in WHERE, ORDER BY, GROUP BY, and DISTINCT clauses.
  • Remove unused indexes.
  • Use the Index Tuning Wizard.
Tips to Optimize Transactions

  • Avoid long-running transactions.
  • Avoid transactions that require user input to commit.
  • Access heavily used data at the end of the transaction.
  • Try to access resources in the same order.
  • Use isolation level hints to minimize locking.
  • Ensure that explicit transactions commit or roll back.
    Tips to Optimise Execution Plans
    • Evaluate the query execution plan.
    • Avoid table and index scans.
    • Evaluate hash joins.
    • Evaluate bookmarks.
    • Evaluate sorts and filters.
    • Compare actual versus estimated rows and executions.
    Tips to Minimise Execution Plan Recompiles

  • Use stored procedures or parameterized queries.
  • Use sp_executesql for dynamic code.
  • Avoid interleaving data definition language (DDL) and data manipulation language (DML) in stored procedures, including the tempdb database DDL.
  • Avoid cursors over temporary tables.

  • Tips on Tuning Performance
    • Use SQL Profiler to identify long-running queries.
    • Take note of small queries called often.
    • Use sp_lock and sp_who2 to evaluate locking and blocking.
    • Evaluate waittype and waittime in master..sysprocesses.
    • Use DBCC OPENTRAN to locate long-running transactions.

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