
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) – Keyboard Shortcut Keys

ActionSSMS-Shortcut Key
Move to the SQL Server Management Studio menu barALT
Activate the menu for a tool componentALT+HYPHEN
Display the context menuSHIFT+F10
Display the New File dialog box to create a fileCTRL+N
Display the New Project dialog box to create a new projectCTRL+SHIFT+N
Display the Open File dialog box to open an existing fileCTRL+O
Display the Open Project dialog box to open an existing projectCTRL+SHIFT+O
Display the Add New Item dialog box to add a new file to the current projectCTRL+SHIFT+A
Display the Add Existing Item dialog box to add an existing file to the current projectALT+SHIFT+A
Display the Query DesignerCTRL+SHIFT+Q
Close a menu or dialog box, canceling the actionESC
Clear all bookmarksCTRL-SHIFT-F2
Insert or remove a bookmark (toggle)CTRL+F2
Move to next bookmarkF2
Move to previous bookmarkSHIFT+F2
Cancel a queryALT+BREAK
Disconnect and close child windowALT+F4
Database object informationALT+F1
Clear the active Editor paneCTRL+SHIFT+DEL
Comment out codeCTRL+SHIFT+C
CopyCTRL+C or Ctrl+Insert
CutCTRL+X or Shift+Del
Decrease indentSHIFT+TAB
Delete through the end of a line in the Editor paneCTRL+DEL
Go to a line numberCTRL+G
Increase indentTAB
Make selection lowercaseCTRL+SHIFT+L
Make selection uppercaseCTRL+SHIFT+U
PasteCTRL+V or Shift+Insert
Remove commentsCTRL+SHIFT+R
Repeat last search or find nextF3
Select allCTRL+A
Execute a queryF5 or Ctrl + E
Help for Query AnalyzerF1
Help for the selected Transact-SQL statementSHIFT+F1
Switch between query and result panesF6
Switch panesShift+F6
Window SelectorCTRL+W
New Query windowCTRL+N
Object Browser (show/hide)F8
Object SearchF4
Parse the query and check syntaxCTRL+F5
Display results in grid formatCTRL+D
Display results in text formatCTRL+T
Move the splitterCTRL+B
Save results to fileCTRL+SHIFT+F
Show Results pane (toggle)CTRL+R
Insert a templateCTRL+SHIFT+INSERT
Replace template parametersCTRL+SHIFT+M
Display estimated execution planCTRL+L
Display execution plan (toggle ON/OFF)CTRL+K
Index Tuning WizardCTRL+I
Show client statisticsCTRL+SHIFT+S
Show server traceCTRL+SHIFT+T
Use databaseCTRL+U

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